Emotion, Heart Affairs

Believe in Love

Hello Lovers,

This is quick,

Just a little experience that lingers, we all have fallen in love, or going to fall in love.

Be careful, the thorns of this world do not want you to experience the love you are worthy of.

See, Ed Sheeran’s Perfect, beautiful song with soulful lyrics, until they spoilt it for me, now anytime I hear “I Found Love” the only thing that comes to my head is “NIBO” which is “where” in English.

What happens to me finding love, I can find love anywhere and within me, why must you spoil that beautiful song for me?

If you are a lover, believe in it and desire it, when it becomes something you exhibit, you start attracting it.

Maybe one day, I will find love, Maybe you already found it, Maybe, just Maybe

Do not let the world set the standard of hatred for you, do not allow suppression and regret to fill your heart. Express love and let it flow in you.

I love you.

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