inspiration, motivation

The Little Things

Little things matter to people, the hellos, waves, smiles and hugs you give to people. Showing someone you care, and love them and making them feel important is all that matters.  Saying thank you and smiling at that janitor, the lady that serves you deserves a thank you. See, a smile can soften any built-up… Continue reading The Little Things


Feliz Navidad

I want to see a reindeer, 🦌 I want to feel it galloping by my side.I want to visit the Ost-in-Edhil and see the magic 🎅🤶🧚‍♀️🧝 I want to have a Christmas 🎄 miracleI want the Christmas magic.The lights to brighten our lifeThe colours to beautify our soulsThe music is heavenlyFlow in the rhythm of… Continue reading Feliz Navidad